Fitzcairn's Macro Explain-o-maticBETA

Version 0.9.4 (Beta): Even More Fixes

Many thanks to my beta testers. Several updates added:

- Improved (some might say, 'correct'. . .) support for /petautocast* commands, including now supporting /petautocasttoggle.

- Rewrite of how targeting commands are interpreted, i.e. /focus, /assist, etc. Also fixed several bugs in /targetparty, /targetraid, etc etc.

- Rewrite of how key units ( are handled. This was causing incorrect interpretations for commands like /petattack.

. . . Among other things. I am currently working through feedback in the following WoW forums thread:

Please don't hesitate to post there if you find something that is not working the way you expect it. I am using the Blizz forums for this because the commenting system on Blogger frankly sucks nuts.

Finally, holy crap, my little toy project made some waves this weekend!

Wow, thanks so much guys! I am honored and absolutely giddy that this has actually been able to help folks understand macros better. Now to make it better. . .

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